

  • Paul Clemens Norman George Peter Graves
  • 120分钟
  • Descend into the dark world and tragic life of the…Descend into the dark world and tragic life of the melancholy author who is the uncontested master of the macabre and hear excerpts from his famous works.The legend of Edgar Allan Poe is far from the reality, as we learn in A & E's Biography series documentary of his life. The much misunderstood author is given a fair look in this 50 minute overview. They bring us the sad, broken Poe, stumbling through lectures and readings, but they also show us a good man who loved literature and wanted to succeed as a writer.Any student of Poe has been inundated with macabre, morbid tales of involving dead women, drug abuse and affairs. What is disregarded by early biographers are the facts between the tales. He crafted stories with careful excellence, depending on technique, and not the lack of sobriety. He drew from his personal life, but also fabricated complex fantasies that became the model for Stephen King, Arthur Conan Doyle, Agatha Christie and others. His poetry caught the attention of European greats like Charles Baudelaire and Mihaly Babits, who, in turn, translated Poe's works for the world.We see where Poe lived an, and hear not only from his literary works, but his letters and the writings of those who knew him. We are able to attain a sense that Poe was not a monster only brooding in his woes, but a family man who longed to remain with Virginia, who lived with, as he wrote in "Annabel Lee," "no other thought than to love and be loved by me."The affect of the tragedies which surrounded him are explored, from his poor relationship with his adoptive father to the many deaths of loved ones, lost to tuberculosis. Many men would have been enfeebled to write, but Poe took his sadness and expressed it as literary art.I fully recommend "Biography - Edgar Allan Poe: The Mystery of Edgar Allen Poe (A&E DVD Archives)." His life has the legendary elements of scandal and addiction, but to know Poe better, it is important to learn beyond the cliches like "master of the macabre." This DVD does that.Anthony Trendleditor, HungarianBookstore.com



  • 37集全
  • 三沙卫视,农林科技卫视,南方卫视,黄河卫视







答:《爱伦·坡的秘密》是由Paul Clemens Norman George Peter Graves 领衔主演的。。该剧于1994在腾讯爱奇艺茶杯狐优酷、等平台同步播出。




答:hao123影视百度视频 星辰影视PPTV电影天堂


Mtime时光网网友评价:我一直认为所谓的影片是绘声绘色的书 比小说更高 基于虚拟与幻想 回头一想却都是现实的虚幻影子




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